Monday, March 8, 2010

bad day

i don't like power struggles. why do we need to suffer from power struggles in this world? because it's part of the political science, that worth for us to know about it, and GO THROUGH it?

i just don't understand.

blaming game is just as entertaining as always. who did this, who blame on others, who take the blame eventually. just like a guessing game? wow, interesting huh?

i might be over sensitive, and tend to think BEYOND what will happen next. but hey, it's better to be sorry than too late. is that the correct saying? whatever, i don't give a damn already.

im just a bit...shocked to see how things go so far, it is like out of control. just because u don't wana cast a bad name for the institute and u put the blame on the employee. just because u don't wana be arrested and have some bad record for ur future employment (if there's any), u are looking for someone vulnerable to take over the responsibilities?

and because im in the lowest rank of the hierarchy, i should be "blessed" to do everything for that? to pay for it? just because im the most suspicious doesn't make me a culprit. could u think by using ur brain instead of ur knees?

why am i not surprised to see how selfish people can be? money? power? reputation? nevertheless, i admit i am selfish myself. but, these have gone too far than i expect.

hah, are we doing some detective stories now? shooting CSI? gone too far i know. but the thing is, if u gonna push everything upon me, try to make me miserable. let's see, ur power and authority mean nothing to me.

afterall, is there any justice in this country? don't get me wrong, but i strongly doubt about it.

well let's pray hard that nothing will happen tomorrow. it will be a crucial day for me. no phone call please.

shit, i have a quiz tomorrow, and goddamnit, i was completely distracted from my revision, and the assignments which are queuing up to be completed. this thing is just constantly on my mind.

and now, my ipod seems to have a little problem. great. awesome day.

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