may i quote from Spiderman?
"With great power, you will have greater responsibilities,"
cheh, like i damn pro like that hahaha...something like that la. anyway, im gonna blog about my bukit tinggi trip last Saturday, the day which some dramatic happened in my house and im irritated by all the consequences.
so that day, i went Alice's house, without makeup, before we left to college. met Ivan at 1st floor, and have some camwhore sessions at Alice's place. Ivan was quite....impressed by how we look after and before makeup. coz, before makeup i was like shit, but after we are damn hott!!! wheeee~~~ should have taken some before and after photos.
showing off DSLR yo!!
then, Wern Shern fetched us to bukit tinggi, not in klang, but in Bentong. damn far okie. 72KM, 1 hour and 15mins. somemore when we were going up hills the petrol was like finishing and hit the bottom, the car moving super slow, we were worried that we would have to push the car uphill. luckily we dont have to. =)
a mirror on the way uphill. and we took tons and tons of pictures in front of mirror.
OMG, we were like bees stick on Honey man
everything up there was extremely expensive. chop the tourist like chicken. US dollar not money meh? charge so much dono for what?
can u imagine? RM4.50 for one ice cream, where we can get it at RM1 here. and RM5 for a damn can of 100 plus!!!! and of course, being the kiam siap JoJo, i rather die of dehydration than buying the tourist drinks. sobb...
ivan and the expensive ice cream!
and then we changed into our dress, and started a day as a bimbo model. =)
i didn't take much pictures using my camera that day, as i was being photographed. i like the dress! that i bought last year, and didn't manage to wear because my mom thought it was too slutty. issshhh...
and some yet-to-be-improving photos taken by me, featuring Alice.
ALICE, I photoshopped alittle, hope u don mind. and can u see the difference that i had made? hehe
alright, time to do laundry. waiting for the next updates yo! tata~
*I wana eat PAN MEEEEEE*
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