Friday, November 13, 2009


we are paying the same thing ain't we?

why must the password hidden from us?

yeah, both of u kinda dominate the whole thing.

yeah, both of u found someone to fix the line. uttermost awesome! great cool! waaahhh...

yeah but...don't we have a chance to know the password by ourselves?

yet, u havta key in the password by urself, hiding everything from us?

is that fair to us?

fine, i admit i didn't contribute much to the house, coz im always out. but still, we pay the same thing!!!!! don't we get what we pay?

and now, despite of neglecting my presence, even switched off the fan when im still using. very good. now i know i am invisible. yayyyy! i can become a thief since nobody can see me.

FUCK la this place. don't feel right being here.

MAY 2010 faster come, i wana move out!

bloody idiot fucking donkey holy shit crap afeafhwa gragarhgjasfjas aeagagasgafsgfg kgdsdjgad fgusfujf adsgalhfdsf iughwgwnrwghrwgf sdnsdfE FGWRGNjjfghfah aoijhaijjioryrat99 709ndfsjadhfh ghaw wfwhagrj rgauw87q34v bdfiutye8v3dsfgorgkasgasfkrhae\ds.

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