Sunday, November 1, 2009


happy belated Halloween!!!! it's only one day late, so still, HAVE FUN!

i have dressed up for the Halloween bash last Wednesday. hmmm, so do others. they looked...scary. i was a bit different from all of them. i dressed in Lorita style, that made me look like one of those in Sungai Wang or Time Square. according to them, i didn't look scary at all. whatever la, i really tired to reply on others comment. hard to please everyone right?

so here we go!!! the pictures!

i have LONG LONG Hair~~~~

hey isn't he scary? tadda! credits given to me! the make up artist of the day!

i like this the most!!!!

and by the way, for the sake of updating, i have became the secretary for Fayette House for 2010 committee. hmmm...nothing else i can say.

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