Monday, July 20, 2009


i feel odd recently. oh well, actually this feeling starts to strike me this morning. i was err...not to say depressed, nor euphoria. i was just, empty. dead. don feel like doing anything.

lack of motivation i suppose.
have been worked so hard
have been pushed myself towards the last tip of my energy.
but why?

this feeling, is....ODD i would say.

very weird.

like nothing can keep me excited. i mean, really excited.

im not trying to be emo or something. just that, i don feel like talking, even lose appetite towards food that i used to like. lose the enthusiastic in doing things that i used to enjoy.


the emptiness occupied myself, and i cannot get rid of it!

if u ask me, what do u want actually?
all of a sudden, i become so unsure about what i want, what i was after, what i need.
my passion towards a lot of things fade away, i be honest, i dono what happen to me.

i would like to stress, im not emo. not stress. stress isn't like this

i guess im just...losing some part of myself.

how i wish my brother is here to cheer me up.

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