Sunday, December 13, 2009

pissed off

im very pissed off now

stupid sucky bloody college just call me, and charge me extra RM348.09. i have no idea why do they charge me. electricity and water bill? it won't have exceed that much okie? it is shared among 7 people in the fuking unit.

im starting to hate my initials now. T, Y, R. screw that lecturer man! what does he want? wtf! ur logo must look abstract. you must be able to see ur logo. screww u man!!!!!!

after one whole week of peaceful days, im starting to hate to be single. when im so emotional strained nobody could comfort me. im annoyed by this bloody annoying feeling. i should have go out there and shout, hey i want a man, to comfort me! don mind being very cheap, i just want accompany. WTF.

cognition doesn't seem to get in my head.

sociology is even worse. i hate to studie that man. what politic family religion. screww them!!!!!

okie im done. ignore me.

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